Creating Schools: Where Students and Teachers Want To Be
Michael Lawrence and Dr. Fabio D’Agostin
ISBN: 9781922779366
About the book
Creating Schools reminds us that while we argue about reading and instruction styles, the teaching profession is being strangled, and students (and teachers!) in record numbers are feeling alienated from education. The implications of this play out in crime, violence and an inestimable cost to society.
“Creating Schools Where Teachers and Students Want to Be by Michael Lawrence and Dr. Fabio D’Agostin is a deep, comprehensive and much needed exploration of what’s broken in the Australian education system and what can improve it. I especially appreciated their passion for all those in school communities - teachers, students and parents. We can do so much better in Australia and gradual change in consultation with those in our schools - teachers and students is what is needed and we need to start now.”
— Maggie Dent. Author, Educator and Parenting & Resilience Coach