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Sue Wonghas a Certificate IV and Diploma of Workplaceand Business Coaching with Open Door Coaching.She is also a Professional Certified Coach with GrowthCoaching International (GCI) in Leadership Coachingand Advanced Coaching: Solutions Focus Masterclass.She has her Coaching Accreditation with GCI. Sue’steaching qualifications include a BA Hons in Englishfollowed by a Dip Ed. Sue has deepened her ability toconnect with students and teachers by adopting a coachingapproach and pioneered a coaching model at GeelongGrammar School, which included developing coaches andintroducing coaching concepts for teachers and students.Justin Robinsonhas a Master of Education degree anda Certificate in Positive Psychology and an altMBA. Heis an Honorary Fellow of the University of Melbourne’sGraduate School of Education and is a global boardmember of the International Positive Education Network.In 2017, Justin was listed in The Australian Educator’s Top50 Hot List. He was the inaugural Director of the Instituteof Positive Education, based at Geelong Grammar School,Australia. For more than ten years he was instrumentalin pioneering a sustained implementation of PositiveEducation. He has also trained thousands of educatorsaround the world in designing evidence-informedapproaches to wellbeing.

Sue and Justin are the authors of My Manifesto: A Compassionate Guide to Reveal Your Best Life